6:30 PM18:30

City Council Hearing: Envision San Jacinto

The City Council is scheduled to hold a public hearing on the Proposed Project - Envision San Jacinto - at their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday November 15, 2022 at 6:30 pm.

Meeting information, including the agenda package and all material, will be posted to the following link prior to the meeting:

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6:00 PM18:00

Planning Commission Hearing: Evision San Jacinto

The Planning Commission is scheduled to hold a public hearing on the Proposed Project - Envision San Jacinto - at their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday October 25, 2022 at 6:00 pm.

Meeting information, including the agenda package and all material, can be assessed using the link below.

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6:00 PM18:00

Planning Commission Hearing: Draft Housing Element

  • San Jacinto Community Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The City of San Jacinto Planning Commission will be considering the Draft 2021-2029 Housing Element at their meeting on Tuesday December 14, 2021 at 6:00 pm. The meeting will be conducted in-person at the San Jacinto Community Center.

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6:00 PM18:00

Environmental Impact Report Scoping Meeting

The City will hold a scoping meeting to provide an opportunity for agency representatives and the public to assist the City in determining the scope and content of the EIR. The scoping meeting will be held on Wednesday January 6, 2021, at 6 p.m. The meeting will be conducted utilizing teleconferencing and electronic means consistent with State of California Executive Order N-29-20 dated March 17, 2020, regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. The scoping meeting will not discuss the merits of the project, but rather the environmental topics to be included in the environmental review.

The meeting may be joined telephonically by calling (951) 465-7684 ID:436 382 014#

 To join by computer use this link:

For more information on the project’s environmental review, please see the Documents and Maps page.

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Visioning Workshop #3 - Land Use and Housing
6:30 PM18:30

Visioning Workshop #3 - Land Use and Housing

Please join the City of San Jacinto for its third Visioning Workshop for the General Plan Update! This Workshop will focus on land use and housing. What would you like to see more of in San Jacinto over the next 10, 15, or 20 years? Are there new employment, shopping, or dining options you would like to see? What types of homes would you like to see in San Jacinto? All ages are welcome and food and drinks will be provided!

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Visioning Workshop #2 - Transportation
6:30 PM18:30

Visioning Workshop #2 - Transportation

Please join the City of San Jacinto at its second Visioning Workshop for its General Plan Update! This Workshop will focus on Transportation - how people get around the community, future transportation technologies, and making sure that it is safe and easy for people of all ages and all ability to move around San Jacinto. All ages are welcome and food and drinks will be provided!

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Visioning Workshop #1 - Vision and Values
6:30 PM18:30

Visioning Workshop #1 - Vision and Values

Please join the City of San Jacinto for its first General Plan Update Visioning Workshop! At this workshop we will work together to identify your vision for the future of San Jacinto. What do you love most about your City? What do you think should stay the same over the next 10, 15, or 20 years? What do you think could change? All ages are welcome and food and drinks will be provided.

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