Get involved in the San Jacinto General Plan Update!
San Jacinto wants to hear from you! Please take a brief survey to share your ideas for the future of our community. There are lots of ways for you to get involved with the City’s General Plan Update. Come to one of our community events or participate in a Planning Commission or City Council study session or hearing.
Your input is very important and what we hear from you and your friends and neighbors will be used to prepare a General Plan for the city that truly reflects the community’s vision and values. Sign-up here to receive periodic updates on the project and hear about new ways to get involved. Your email address will remain private and we will not share it with anyone else.
Visioning Workshop Direct Mailer: English | Español
Envision San Jacinto Public Draft Policy Document | July 2022
Policy Document (Complete File)
- Cover and Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Land Use
- Economic Development
- Mobility
- Public Safety
- Resource Management
- Environmental Justice
- Housing (Adopted February 2022)
Policy Document Appendices (Complete File)
Appendix A: Envision San Jacinto Outreach Summary
Appendix B: Trails Master Plan
Appendix C: SB 99 Analysis White Paper
Envision San Jacinto Draft Environmental Impact Report | July 2022
Draft Environmental Impact Report
Draft Environmental Impact Report Appendices
Appendix A: NOA and NOP Comments
Appendix B: Air Quality Report
Appendix C: Biological Resources
Appendix D: Cultural Resources Assessment
Appendix E: Greenhouse Gas Report
Appendix F: Noise Impact Study
Appendix G: Transportation Impact Analysis
Appendix H: Tribal Consultation Communications